February 27, 2023

The drivers of the shift towards private-label consumer goods

The drivers of the shift towards private-label consumer goods
February 27, 2023
8 mins

The consumer shift toward private-label consumer goods

Private-label consumer goods, also known as store brands or own brands, are products that are produced and sold by a retailer under its own brand name, rather than under a manufacturer's brand name. Private-label consumer goods have gained popularity in recent years due to their perceived value and quality, which is often similar to that of national brands at a lower price point.

There are several factors contributing to the growth of private-label consumer goods. One of the main drivers of this trend is the increasing price sensitivity of consumers, who are looking for ways to save money on everyday household items. Private-label consumer goods offer an affordable alternative to national brands, which can be particularly appealing during economic downturns or times of financial uncertainty.

Another factor contributing to the growth of private-label consumer goods is the improvement in the quality and variety of these products. Retailers have made significant investments in research and development in order to produce private-label products that are competitive with national brands in terms of quality and innovation. As a result, private-label consumer goods have become more appealing to consumers, who are no longer willing to compromise on quality in order to save money.

In addition, the rise of e-commerce has made it easier for consumers to purchase private-label consumer goods, as they can shop for these products online and have them delivered to their doorstep. This convenience factor has contributed to the growth of private-label consumer goods, as it has made it easier for consumers to discover and purchase these products.

Overall, the growth trend in private-label consumer goods is expected to continue as retailers continue to invest in the development and promotion of these products, and as consumers continue to seek out affordable, high-quality alternatives to national brands.

The retailers shift toward private-labels

There are several reasons why retailers may choose to shift towards private-label consumer products:

1) Profit margins: Retailers can typically earn higher profit margins on private-label products compared to national brands, as they do not have to pay licensing fees or royalties to the manufacturer. This allows retailers to offer private-label products at a lower price point, which can be attractive to cost-conscious consumers.

2) Customer loyalty: Offering private-label products can help retailers build customer loyalty, as these products are often perceived as being exclusive to the retailer and not available elsewhere. This can encourage customers to shop more frequently at the retailer, as they know they can find a wide range of products that are not available at other stores.

3) Brand differentiation: Private-label products can help retailers differentiate their brand from competitors and create a unique shopping experience for their customers. This can be particularly important for retailers that are looking to stand out in a crowded market.

4) Supply chain control: By producing private-label products, retailers have more control over the supply chain and can manage the production process more closely. This allows retailers to ensure that their products are of a high quality and meet their specific requirements.

5) Marketing opportunities: Retailers can use private-label products as a marketing tool to promote their brand and create a cohesive brand image. For example, a retailer could launch a line of private-label products that are all designed to be environmentally friendly, which could appeal to consumers who are looking for more sustainable products.

Overall, the shift towards private-label consumer products can provide retailers with a number of benefits, including higher profit margins, improved customer loyalty, brand differentiation, supply chain control, and marketing opportunities. Private-label products are especially on the rise in the food, beverage, detergent and home care products, cosmetic and personal care products sectors.

The benefits of private-label for manufacturers

Private labels can offer several benefits for manufacturers:

1) Diversification of product offerings: By producing private-label products for retailers, manufacturers can diversify their product offerings and reduce their reliance on a single product or customer. This can help manufacturers to mitigate risk and increase their overall revenue.

2) Access to new markets: Producing private-label products can help manufacturers to access new markets and reach a larger customer base. This can be particularly beneficial for small or niche manufacturers who may not have the resources or distribution networks to sell their products directly to consumers.

3) Increased efficiency: Manufacturing private-label products can help manufacturers to increase their efficiency and reduce their costs, as they can produce products in larger quantities and take advantage of economies of scale.

4) Improved relationships with retailers: By working closely with retailers to produce private-label products, manufacturers can build strong relationships with these key customers. This can lead to increased business opportunities and potentially longer-term contracts.

5) Increased brand recognition: Manufacturing private-label products can also help manufacturers to increase their brand recognition, as these products are often prominently displayed and marketed by retailers. This can lead to increased awareness of the manufacturer's brand and potentially lead to direct sales to consumers.

Overall, private labels can provide manufacturers with a number of benefits, including diversification of product offerings, access to new markets, increased efficiency, improved relationships with retailers, and increased brand recognition.


Private-label consumer goods, also known as store brands or own brands, are products produced and sold by retailers under their own brand name. The growth of private-label consumer goods has been driven by factors such as increasing price sensitivity among consumers, the improvement in the quality and variety of these products, the rise of e-commerce, and the benefits that private labels offer to retailers, such as higher profit margins, improved customer loyalty, brand differentiation, supply chain control, and marketing opportunities. Manufacturers can also benefit from private labels by diversifying their product offerings, accessing new markets, increasing efficiency, improving relationships with retailers, and increasing brand recognition. In addition to these benefits, manufacturers can also benefit from the increase of their revenues.

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