April 30, 2023

A Comparison of Polyethylene vs Polypropylene Structured Labels

A Comparison of Polyethylene vs Polypropylene Structured Labels
April 30, 2023
6 minutes


Labels are an essential part of product packaging and identification, providing information to consumers and helping companies maintain their brand image. Polyethylene and polypropylene are two common materials used for structured labels, each with their unique properties and advantages. In this article, we will compare and contrast the properties and use cases for polyethylene and polypropylene structured labels.

Polyethylene Structured Labels

Polyethylene is a type of plastic that is widely used for a variety of applications, including labels. It is known for its softness, flexibility, and water resistance. Polyethylene can be made in a variety of densities, with low-density polyethylene (LDPE) being the most common for label applications.

Advantages of using polyethylene structured labels:

  • Soft and flexible, making them ideal for use on curved or uneven surfaces
  • Resistant to water and chemicals, making them suitable for use in labeling of squeezed out products
  • Economical, making them a cost-effective choice for many labeling applications
  • Available in a variety of colors and finishes
  • Can be made with adhesive backing for easy application

Limitations of using polyethylene structured labels:

  • Lower temperature resistance than some other label materials, making them unsuitable for high-temperature environments (not suitable for applications above 80C).
  • Depending on the size of the label, they may not always be suitable for high speed applications depending on their size due to their flexible nature and the potential for wrinkling or tearing during application.

Overall, polyethylene structured labels are a versatile and economical option for many labeling applications. However, it's important to consider their limitations and suitability for your specific application before making a final decision.

Polypropylene Structured Labels

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer that is widely used for a variety of applications, including labels. It is known for its strength, durability, and ability to withstand high temperatures. Polypropylene can be made in a variety of grades, with homopolymer polypropylene being the most common for label applications.

Advantages of using polypropylene structured labels:

  • Strong and durable, making them suitable for use in harsh environments or with products that undergo rough handling
  • Good printability and color retention, allowing for detailed graphics and text that maintain their appearance over time
  • Resistant to high temperatures, making them suitable for use in high-heat environments
  • Available in a variety of colors and finishes
  • Economical for some applications, especially those that require durability and heat resistance

Limitations of using polypropylene structured labels:

  • More expensive than some other label materials, which may make them less suitable for low-cost labeling applications
  • Less flexible than some other label materials, which may limit their suitability for use on curved or uneven surfaces
  • May not be as resistant to certain chemicals or solvents as some other label materials
  • May not be suitable for high-speed application due to their stiffness and potential for wrinkling or tearing during application

Overall, polypropylene structured labels are a strong and durable option for many labeling applications, especially those that require resistance to high temperatures or harsh environments. However, they may not be the most cost-effective option for all labeling needs, and it's important to consider their limitations and suitability for your specific application before making a final decision.

Comparison of polyethylene and polypropylene structured labels

Material properties:

  • Polyethylene labels are soft, flexible, and resistant to water and chemicals. They are an economical choice for applications that do not require high-temperature resistance.
  • Polypropylene labels are strong, durable, and offer high-temperature resistance. They are less flexible than polyethylene labels and may not be suitable for applications that require resistance to certain chemicals.

Use cases:

  • Polyethylene labels are often used for labeling products that are not exposed to harsh environments or high temperatures, such as food packaging or cosmetic products. They are also a good choice for low-cost labeling applications.
  • Polypropylene labels are commonly used for labeling products that are exposed to harsh environments, high temperatures, or rough handling, such as automotive parts, chemical products, or outdoor equipment.


  • Polyethylene labels are generally more economical than polypropylene labels due to their lower material cost and suitability for low-cost labeling applications.
  • Polypropylene labels are generally more expensive than polyethylene labels due to their higher material cost and suitability for high-performance labeling applications.

In summary, both polyethylene and polypropylene structured labels have their advantages and limitations, and the choice between the two will depend on the specific requirements of your labeling application. Polyethylene labels are a good choice for low-cost labeling applications that do not require high-temperature resistance, while polypropylene labels are a strong and durable option for labeling products that are exposed to harsh environments, high temperatures, or rough handling.


When it comes to labeling, choosing the right material is crucial to ensure the label's durability, legibility, and overall performance. Both polyethylene and polypropylene structured labels have their unique advantages and limitations, making them suitable for different labeling applications. By understanding the material properties and use cases for each type of label material, companies can make informed decisions that best suit their labeling needs.

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