June 3, 2023

A Comparison of Plastic and Paper Labels for the Cosmetic Industry

A Comparison of Plastic and Paper Labels for the Cosmetic Industry
June 3, 2023
7 minutes


Cosmetic product labels play a critical role in providing essential information to consumers about the product's ingredients, directions for use, potential side effects, and warnings. Additionally, such information is vital for regulatory compliance and serves as a marketing tool. Plastic and paper labels are the two most commonly used materials for cosmetic product labeling, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will compare plastic and paper labels used in the cosmetic industry.

Features of Cosmetic Product Labels

The written information on cosmetic product labels is important for several reasons. Firstly, it provides consumers with essential information about the product, such as the ingredients, directions for use, and potential side effects or warnings. This allows consumers to make informed decisions about whether or not to use the product, and helps them use the product safely and effectively.

Secondly, the written information on cosmetic product labels is important for regulatory compliance. Different countries have different requirements for the information that needs to be included on cosmetic product labels, and failing to comply with these regulations can result in legal and financial consequences.

Finally, the written information on cosmetic product labels can also serve as a marketing tool. Claims about the product's benefits or unique features can help to differentiate it from competitors and attract consumers who are looking for specific types of products. Overall, clear and accurate labeling is essential for the success of a cosmetic product in the marketplace.

Information that should be included on cosmetic product labels

  • Product Name: The label must clearly identify the cosmetic product and its intended use.
  • Net Weight or Volume: The label should indicate the weight or volume of the product in metric units.
  • Ingredient List: The label must include a list of all ingredients contained in the product, listed in descending order of concentration.
  • Manufacturer or Distributor Information: The name and address of the manufacturer or distributor.
  • Country of Origin: The label must indicate the country where the product was manufactured or produced.
  • Language: Many countries require that the label be printed in the official language(s) of the country where the product will be sold.
  • Directions for Use: The directions for using the product safely and effectively.
  • Cautionary Statements: Any necessary warnings or precautions that need to be taken when using the product must be stated in the label. Some countries may require allergen warnings if the product contains certain ingredients that are known to cause allergic reactions.
  • Claims: Some countries may have specific regulations regarding nutritional or health claims on cosmetic labels. Any claims about the cosmetic product should be indicated in the label, such as "hypoallergenic," "organic," or "cruelty-free.". Some countries may have specific regulations regarding sunscreen claims on cosmetic labels, such as required testing or labeling requirements.
  • Brand Logo: The logo or symbol of the brand.
  • Additional Product Information: Any other information that may be useful to the consumer, such as the benefits or purpose of the product.
  • Barcode: A barcode for inventory and tracking purposes.

It's important to note that some countries have specific requirements for the information that needs to be included on cosmetic product labels. Therefore, it's always best to consult the regulatory guidelines of your target market to ensure that your product is in compliance.

Plastic Labels in Cosmetic Product Labels

Advantages of Plastic Labels in Cosmetic Products Labels:

  • Durability: Plastic labels are more durable than paper labels, making them ideal for products that are exposed to moisture or frequent handling.
  • Waterproof: Plastic labels are resistant to water and other liquids, which makes them ideal for products that are used in the bathroom or other humid environments.
  • Flexibility: Plastic labels can be produced in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be curved or contoured to fit the shape of the product packaging.

Types of Plastic Labels Used in the Cosmetic Industry:

  • Polypropylene Labels: PP is a popular choice for cosmetic labels because it is durable, waterproof, and heat-resistant. It can also be produced in a range of finishes, such as matte or glossy.
  • Polyethylene Labels: Polyethylene labels are made from a type of plastic that is known for its durability and resistance to moisture and chemicals. This type of label is commonly used in the cosmetic industry for products that need to be stored in wet environments or exposed to chemicals. Polyethylene labels can be printed with high-quality graphics and text, making them an attractive option for cosmetic packaging.
  • Transparent Labels: Transparent labels are made from a clear plastic material that allows the product and packaging underneath to be visible. These labels provide a seamless, no-label look, which can be desirable for certain cosmetic products. Transparent labels are often used for products that have attractive packaging or a unique container design that the brand wants to showcase.
  • Ultra Clear Labels: Ultra clear labels are similar to transparent labels in that they are made from a clear plastic material. However, ultra clear labels offer enhanced clarity and transparency, allowing the product and packaging to be displayed with exceptional visibility. Ultra clear labels are often chosen for products where showcasing the product's color or texture is crucial, such as lotions, serums, or other skincare items.
  • Metalized Labels: Metalized labels are made from a plastic material that has been coated with a thin layer of metal. This type of label is commonly used in the cosmetic industry for products that require a high-end, luxury look. Metalized labels have a metallic sheen that gives them a premium appearance, and they can be printed with high-quality graphics and text. Metalized labels are ideal for products like perfumes, cosmetics, and other high-end beauty products.

Overall, the choice of plastic label depends on the specific needs of the product and the desired aesthetic.

Paper Labels in Cosmetic Product Labels

Advantages of Paper Labels in Cosmetic Products Labels:

  • Sustainability: Paper labels are a more environmentally-friendly option, as they are biodegradable and can be recycled.
  • Cost-effective: Paper labels are generally less expensive than plastic labels, making them a cost-effective option for small businesses or startups.
  • Customizable: Paper labels can be printed with a variety of designs, colors, and finishes, allowing brands to create unique and eye-catching labels for their products.

Types of Paper Labels Used in the Cosmetic Industry:

  • Gloss Paper Labels: Gloss paper labels are made from a paper material that has a glossy, shiny finish. This finish gives the labels a polished and reflective appearance, enhancing the visual appeal of the product packaging. Gloss paper labels are often chosen for a variety of cosmetic products, including skincare items, makeup products, and fragrances. They provide a professional and visually appealing finish that adds to the overall packaging aesthetics.
  • Matte Paper Labels: Matte paper labels have a non-reflective, flat finish that gives them a subtle, understated appearance. This type of label is commonly used in the cosmetic industry for products that need to have a natural, organic look. Matte paper labels are ideal for products like natural skincare products, soaps, and other organic beauty products.
  • Fluorescent Paper Labels: Fluorescent paper labels are made from a brightly colored, fluorescent material that is highly visible. This type of label is commonly used in the cosmetic industry for products that need to stand out on store shelves. Fluorescent paper labels are ideal for products like hair dyes, nail polish, and other brightly colored beauty products.

Overall, the choice of paper label depends on the specific needs of the product and the desired aesthetic. The cosmetic industry has a wide range of options for paper labels that can be customized to fit any product.

Challenges Related to Paper Labeling in Cosmetics:

  • Durability: Paper labels are not as durable as plastic labels and can be damaged by moisture or frequent handling.
  • Water resistance: Unlike plastic labels, paper labels are not water-resistant and can be damaged if exposed to water or other liquids.
  • Limited finishes: While paper labels can be printed with a variety of finishes, they are not as versatile as plastic labels, which can be produced with a wider range of finishes and textures.

Overall, while paper labels offer many advantages in terms of sustainability and cost-effectiveness, they may not be suitable for all types of cosmetic products due to their durability and water resistance limitations. 

Here are some comparisons between paper labels and plastic labels in the cosmetic industry with real-life examples:

  • Cost-effectiveness: In terms of cost-effectiveness, paper labels are generally less expensive than plastic labels. This is because paper is a widely available and easily produced material, whereas plastic requires more resources to manufacture. Additionally, both paper labels and plastic can be printed using a variety of printing methods, including digital, flexo and offset printing, which makes them more cost-effective for small to medium-sized product runs.
  • Durability: In terms of durability, plastic labels are generally more durable than paper labels. Plastic labels are resistant to water, chemicals, and other environmental factors that can damage paper labels. This makes them ideal for products that are exposed to moisture or chemicals, such as shampoos, conditioners, and other personal care products. Paper labels, on the other hand, can be more susceptible to damage from water and other environmental factors, which can impact their longevity.
  • Customizability: Both plastic and paper labels can be customized to meet the specific needs of the cosmetic product industry. Plastic labels can be printed with high-quality graphics and text, making them an attractive option for product packaging. They can also be made in a variety of shapes and sizes, which makes them ideal for products with unique packaging requirements. Paper labels can also be printed with high-quality graphics and text and can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes. Additionally, paper labels can be made with different textures, finishes, and colors, which makes them an attractive option for products that require a unique aesthetic.

Overall, the choice between plastic labels and paper labels in the cosmetic product industry depends on the specific needs of the product. While plastic labels are generally more durable, paper labels tend to be more cost-effective and customizable. Ultimately, the choice will depend on the product's packaging requirements, branding, and budget.


In conclusion, cosmetic product labels are essential for both consumers and regulatory compliance. While plastic labels are durable, waterproof, and flexible, they contribute to plastic waste and can release harmful chemicals into the environment. On the other hand, paper labels are more sustainable, customizable, and cost-effective, but they are not as durable and not water-resistant. Therefore, cosmetic companies must weigh the pros and cons of each labeling option and choose the most suitable option for their products. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize environmental sustainability in packaging and labeling to reduce our impact on the planet.

Frequently asked Questıons

Frequently asked questions from our customers

How long does the production process take for the labels?
What is your minimum print run?
Is it possible to produce labels in sheets instead of rolls?
How can I make payment for my order?
How are my products delivered?
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